Monday, February 8, 2010

3rd Week - 3 February 2010

On the 3rd week, our 2nd experiment in class are GLUTEN BALL & BREAD BAKING. For GLUTEN BALL experiment, we have to characterize the development of wheat gluten in batters and dough using different types of flour. While for the BREAD BAKING experiment, we need to compare the differences in behavior between varying the amount of flour and number of kneading. Our team has given a task on BREAD BAKING experiment, where we have to do the '500 strokes kneading' and 'substitute the water with milk'. The result for both of the bread is totally different...

Come...lets have a look at those bread!!

~Afiq, Sarah and Rashid measuring the ingredients~

~Aqmal starting to mix the ingredients~

~the ingredients after being mixed~

~the ingredients~

~Rashid and Aqmal mixing the ingredients~

~the dough is being rested for half an hour~

~folding the dough to fit in the mould (after 1st rested)~

~the dough is being rested again before bake~

~result of the bread for 1st exp.(500 strokes kneading)~

~result of the bread for 2nd exp.(using milk)~

~result of breads from other groups' experiment~

~result of gluten balls from the experiment~

~students evaluating the result of experiments~

~Chef Zaid is cutting the bread to see the texture of the bread~

~result of gluten ball using all purpose flour~

~result of gluten ball using pastry flour~

~result of gluten ball using bread flour~

~result of gluten ball using cake flour~

~table chart for gluten ball result~

~table chart for bread result~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

heheh apik nnti leh hajo akuh eh..takpon kawan ko si aqmal tu pon leh ajarkan ekekke